yoga tips for eyes

href="" target="_blank">At  this time children very attract phone ,t.v, tablet, internet etc. and maximum time spend for mobiles
and inter you know yoga tips for fever click this:How to reduce fever by yoga. They dont have any physical activity.Due to which glasses are put on his eyes.Yoga very very help to improve Eyesight. Some yoga tips share with you.

Top 5 exercise for Eyes

1. Palming

2.Eye Rolling

3.Focus Shifting


5. The Eye Press


This is very easy exercise.just some steps follow :

Step 1:Warm your Hands by Rubbing them Together.

Step 2:Close your Eyes and Place your warm palms over them for 30 sec,without applying 
Pressure on the Eye lids.

Step 3:Slowly open your Eyes and Look around.

Step 4: Repeat this process 3-4 Times.

2.Eye Rolling

This is very interesting Exercise for Your Eyes. In this Exercise your Eyes rotate at the angle of 
360 .This is the full movement of Eyes.some steps are follow:

Step 1: Move your eyes Diagonally.

Step 2: Move Eyes left to right & up-down.

Step 3:side to side movement of your eyes.

step 4: close your Eyes and after some time repeat again only 2 times.

3.Focus Shifting

This is best for your Eyes. This Exercise is very important for your Eyes.Because in this exercise you have focused at a object like pen, your thumb, and move eyes accordingly your thumb.Move your thumb left to right and up to down and move diagonally and your eye follow same continue for 30 seconds.


When we spend time on digital devices, our blink rate slows down. This can cause the eyes to dry out, making them feel sandy, gritty, and tired.

Taking the time to consciously blink can restore the tear film. Blinking pumps the oil glands in the eyelids, stimulating their lubricating secretions. It also helps to spread the tears over the eyes.

A blinking exercise may involve closing the eyes, pausing for two seconds, then opening them again. While the eyes are closed, the eyelids can be consciously squeezed tight for extra stimulation of the oil glands.

5. Eye Press

Step 1: Sit comfortably,Close your Eyes,and take a deep breath.

Step 2: Place a finger on each eyelid and press very lightly for about 10 seconds.

Step 3: Release the pressure for about 2 seconds and press slightly again.

step 4: Reapeat this process for 3-4 Time.

Benifits of Eye Exercise

1. Improve Vision

2. Prevents Eye Dryness

3. Reduces Strain on the Eyes

4. Improve Peripheral vision

5. Enhances Concentration

6. Lower risk of getting Eye Diseases

If you know yoga tips for fever click this:How to reduce fever by yoga.


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